To recruit tech talent in Southeast Asia, you should know about its labor market, challenges and the best ways to get the best candidates. JT1 Agency gives you all in this article.
Rapid growth in demand for tech talent in Southeast Asia
Tech talent recruitment almost a decade ago, IT was just a support function. Nowadays, IT drives the business. In Southeast Asia, the young and growing population has embraced the digital way of life. This region has some of the most promising tech unicorns in the world. A decade ago, no one think that billion-dollar tech businesses and revolutionising transportation, shopping and entertainment would emerge from Southeast Asia.
In fact, Southeast Asia is a region brimming with potential tech talents. Tech is sweeping across Southeast Asia and changing the way people work, entertain and communicate. Therefore, developing a pool of tech talent to support this phenomenon is essential. How to recruit tech talent becomes a concerted effort across stakeholders.

There’s no doubt that the talent crunch in tech is a problem. Moreover, it does not show signs of abating. To overcome the competition for the best tech talents, companies must stay nimble, quick and responsive. These factors make sure that your pipeline for talent stays running in Southeast Asia.
In accordance with recent employment index, tech talents are highly sought after in Southeast Asia. Companies try to show a spike in the hiring of talents to fill IT positions. In which, Singapore leads the growth rates ahead of Malaysia and the Philippines.
To recruit tech talent effectively, know about challenges
The proper candidates often live far away. Nowadays, recruiting has global reach. This means there is a much wider and deeper pool of talent. Additionally, the just-right candidate may live hundreds or thousands of miles away from the employer. Therefore, the interview process and the benefits offered must be adapted properly.
To recruit tech talent, it’s really not a simple issue.
You do not simply offer a bigger salary. A lot of candidates say that salary is one of their primary job-evaluation criteria. However, more money does not always get the best ones. There are many other important considerations you need to focus on. They include outstanding benefits, flexibility, work environment, and creative outlets. The challenge is determining and offering what really matters to these candidates.
Culture is as important as skills and training.
Sometimes, the paper resume is dead. That’s because it does not present the person the candidate really is. The paper resume shows a bald list of education, employment, and qualifications only. Nowadays, jobs are about much more than knowledge and skills. Therefore, recruiter’s evaluating and interviewing involves correctly assessing a candidate’s cultural fit with the future company.

Tech talents can consider multiple simultaneous offers.
Tech talent pool includes a large proportion of millennials as well. They view job hunting in a different light than older generations did. Most of them are interested in only the offer before them. They are considering multiple other offers at the same time. A research indicated that in these cases a great interview experience can be the deciding factor.
Why should you have JT1 Agency recruit tech talent for your company?
1. JT1 has latest methods of recruitment to get tech talent.
There is the rapid improvement in education and ease of movement across borders. Therefore, tech talent can come from anywhere. For companies, they have to explore less traditional methods of attracting talent. In addition to traditional recruitment platforms (like career fairs), we create your own opportunities to find out talents.
We organizes coding challenges and workshops to attract and empower talents in tech. These events help to bring top engineers, students, and professors from around the world.
2. JT1 know that the pace of hiring reflects your company’s digital edge
As we know, technology is increasingly develop with the speed of change accelerating. Apart from innovating new products and services and investing in their employees to stay on top, we suggest companies making sure that processes are equally efficient. In fact, companies take too long to hire the best candidates. It may take eight to ten weeks just to release an offer. You can not imagine how long the interview and screening process was before that. Moreover, sometimes, big companies make this mistake.
The hiring process is an crucial reflection of company culture. Therefore, candidates expect it to mirror the speed at which things happen in that company. Get JT1 flexible pricing packages to save your time, your budget and avoid losing the best tech talent.

3. JT1 understands obviously candidates to recruit tech talent.
Tech employees enjoy innovative disruption. Therefore, we suggest making a work environment that encourages their creation. For a lot of younger employees, job has to be meaningful as well as rewarding. If work environment is rigid, it will harm personal and professional development.
In addition, good tech employees disrupt and break boundaries. They start to think out of the box and do not adhere to conventional methods of doing things. Therefore, a work environment that encourages this flexibility will attract like-minded talent. The companies are ensure that employees can handle the most cutting edge technology. This is good for business and has the added advantage of keeping them engaged in their work.
Actually, the tech industry attracts a particular personality type. Accordingly, tech talents tend to be excited about change and keen to improve. You should invest in training and mentorship, offer opportunities for them to learn new skills. Besides, the company show commitment to provide an upward career trajectory for employees. If you use JT1 services to recruit tech talent, we will give you more useful consultation.
4. JT1 supports you in developing strategies of regional tech talent attraction
We suggest hiring foreign experts on a contract basis to train up a local team. This is a strategy increasingly used by tech companies in the Southeast Asia. It is helpful in developing a good base of tech talent. There is some tech aspects of a business to other parts of the region leads to regional specialisation. Additionally, some countries build a competitive advantage in particular tech skill sets. However, Vietnamese tech talents are rapidly emerging as one of the top coders n the world.
We can start campaigns to help overseas secure a job back home, especially in the technology and banking sectors. This is to fulfil the shortage of such talent in the market.

With many years of experiences in IT recruitment industry, JT1 will consult and provide best tech talents for your company. We have:
20,000+ qualified software developer profiles
provide the best candidates within 1-3 working days only
affordable packages with warranty option will definitely suit your budget
well understand requirement with our deep IT consultants
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