These days, high quality IT professionals are considering multiple opportunities at the same time. So, if your business lacks the buzz of a top Silicon Valley tech enterprise, you are potentially facing some of the biggest tech recruiting pain points as well as experiencing some difficulty in recruiting tech talent. That’s why every organization needs to appeal to those candidates who fit their technical requirements and integrated culture more than ever.
Here come three biggest tech recruiting pain points that JT1 - Leading Tech Recruitment Agency think they are making your next IT hire harder than it needs to be.

1. Out-of-Date Job Descriptions
Recycling old job descriptions is not helping you with your candidate search but making it worse. Those technical skills and requirements that were once relevant when you first wrote an advertisement can easily be irrelevant now. In just a few years, iOS developers with expectation to have Swift rather than Objective C experience. Data analyst skills require Hadoop as big data analytics strategy which becomes more and more central to business performance.

Your core IT requirements can change as your company is still growing, new tools get integrated into your system and optimized to a higher level. Moreover, the job description itself might not attract the same caliber of technical candidate as it used to. Practically, a full rewrite might not always be needed but job descriptions should be checked for updates before posting to avoid touching any tech recruiting pain points.
With the variety of opportunities available in the market, a job description needs to generally reflect your organization and the value candidates get from choosing to accept your opportunity but not another company’s.
The job description should answer as many questions of these below as possible:
What challenges are waiting for them?
How can their careers grow in the future?
What is the working environment like?
What benefits are being offer?
There needs to be enough information for candidates to take the bait so they can learn more about your business and make out a proper decision for their career.
2. Recruiting Tech Talent without Tech Knowledge
Another tech recruiting pain points are attached with the matter of particular knowledge. In reality, when businesses are recruiting tech talents, the person reviewing candidate resumes and LinkedIn profiles is not always well-prepared in technical terminology. This person may aim to follow a specific criterion that the job description asks for to ensure the best technical talent makes it onto the team. However, as you know, too much inflexibility about technical requirements might disqualify many tech pros who are actually special, exceptional and an incredible fit.

For instance, we have seen some examples where recruiters or HR teams unfamiliar with technical terms have fixated on looking for explicit mention of the LAMP stack acronym while overlooking all of the other individual components (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP/Python/Perl) which are also significant factors. In other cases, they might be looking for Agile/SCRUM expertise, but discount a candidate who just has Agile listed on their resume. This way, they have undervalued the future prospect of the candidate. These types of mistakes are all too easy to make for those being so overconfident and not reviewing technical terms on a daily basis.
Organizations where information technology is not their core business need to ensure that their sourcing and screening process is guided by a technical-minded internal team member or a technology staffing firm. That way, the nuance of positions will not be overlooked, and the best IT candidates continue to be funneled into your organization without being stuck with any tech recruiting pain points.
3. A Growing Percentage of Passive Tech Candidates
Nowadays, when IT is becoming more and more developing and essential in our lives. With a large number of career opportunities presented directly to them, most tech professionals are able to pursue their job search in a more passive way. They are willing to leave their current job for the right position (nearly 84% of IT pros are), but they need convincing from your company to know whether the job features satisfy their desired challenges and career goals. So, this is the third tech recruiting pain point which requires a more relationship-centric approach to IT recruitment.

With an attractive list of job opportunities, passive candidates require high-touch interactions to potentially capture enough of their attention. They need to feel as if your business understands their pain points and goals before they are willing to consider even looking into your job description. Through content marketing, part of that message can be communicated. Once the initial connection is made, a relationship still needs to be cultivated.
This procedure takes time providing value and establishing trust between you two before your business can leverage any fruit of your labor. If your organization does not have a dedicated person building a web of relationships to keep talent pipelines full, do not worry too much, the right technical recruiter will be able to put the time and effort into building those connections for you.
Understand the Biggest Tech Recruiting Pain Points to improve your success
Your business can simplify your search for technical talent by incorporating these types of strategies into your IT recruitment in ways that improve your performance and processes. Especially, you can keep your hiring strategies sharp and win top talent if your organization is tapped into the latest trends in Tech recruiting. All of this can take a considerable amount of time and effort, but the final results will prevent your business from losing the best IT candidates to the competition.

JT1, an agency with IT recruitment experts, we specialize in IT/Software Engineer recruitment and offshore project across Vietnam and South East Asia region
With the mission to accommodate tech companies in building the next Silicon Valley in South East Asia, the vision and with years of experience in sourcing and hiring Software Engineer, Project Manager, Technical Leaders, CTO... to become the No.1 Tech Recruitment Agency in South East Asia.
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