Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is one of the most important programming techniques. It is applicable to most practical applications for built-in businesses. So, today JT1 will introduce you to this programming.
1. The definition of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
Object-Oriented Programming or OOP is a programming method using objects to build systems or web applications with programming languages as VB.Net, Java, C#,... In OOP, the programming languages quite diverse, most of them are class-based programming languages. Besides, OPP also helps to increase productivity, simplify maintenance complexity or expand software by allowing developers to focus on higher-level software objects. Objects in an OOP language are combinations of code and data that are viewed as a single unit. Each object has a unique name and all references to that object are processed by its name.
2. Properties of Object-Oriented Programming
OOP provides a list of very useful features to make object-oriented programming more powerful.
2.1. Encapsulation
Encapsulation is the process of keeping and hiding one or more components with a physical or logical package. In an object-oriented programming method, it prevents access to the internal implementation details of the object or a library. It is also implemented by using access specifiers. An access spec defines the scope and visibility of the components in the class. The keywords include public, private, protected, internal…
2.2. Abstraction
Abstraction is the process of producing only the basic information of an object in the real world and hiding all details of an object. It is based on interface splits and interface implementations.
2.3. Polymorphism
Polymorphism means there are many patterns. In general, polymorphism occurs when there is a class list that is related to each other through inheritance. There are 2 types of polymorphism included Compile time polymorphism, Runtime polymorphism.
2.4. Inheritance
Inheritance in OOP allows creating new classes using an existing class and can expand them.
The main benefit of this extending classes is to provide a convenient way to use the previously tested code to save time and effort.
3. Some important concepts in object-oriented programming
3.1. Class
This is a collection of objects and descriptions of objects that share attributes and actions. It contains project properties such as attributes, behaviors or actions.
3.2. Object
An object is an entity in the real world that has state attributes and behaviors. In OOP terms, these properties are called Class properties or Attributes of Bike objects
3.3. Constructors
A constructor is a special method, used when initializing an instance of a class
3.4. Destructors
A destructor is a method called when the object cancels, which can be used to release resources used by the object. This destructor is not like any other method.
Above is the detailed information about Object-Oriented Programming that JT1 wants to mention to you to help you prepare well for your job as a programmer.
4. The strength of OOP over procedural programming languages
- Object-oriented programming makes development and maintenance easier. The procedural programming method is not easily managed when the code is large.
- Object-oriented programming has the ability to hide information, while procedural directions can access global data anywhere.
- Object-oriented programming also provides the ability to simulate actual events more effectively.
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